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The Benefits Of Going To A Smaller Gym

When I say smaller gym, I am not referring to the size of the space or the amount of equipment in the gym itself. I am referring to the benefits of a gym with only 1 or a few locations (especially 1 location). You may not see this as a contributing factor. And it can often be a risky decision to come to a smaller gym. You do not know if they will be successful or provide you with good service as they don’t have 100 gyms around the country to prove to you their model works. These small gyms are not trying to say it works. What they are trying to say is that they will be devoting all of their attention to you (the member) and this gym. Now, what do I mean by that?

When someone owns a small gym, the owner/s will be in there almost every single day. Usually from early morning to late at night. They will also only be looking after the clients that walk through their doors. This means you (especially if this is a new gym) are a very high priority to them. They need to make sure you are enjoying the gym and the possible services within the facility. This includes personal training, classes, seminars and allied health etc. They are also able to get to know you personally and hold you accountable for coming to the gym, ask you about your goals and even invite you to Facebook groups, and cultural outings and events.

These types of gyms will not be able to focus on their crazy facilities. Such as saunas or multiple locations around the country that are closer to where you live. What they will focus on will be the value you get when you walk through the door. This includes culture and care.

Too many people will go to a commercial gym and complain that the leg extension has been broken for 2 months. Or that the music sucks, there is no culture and the services here are terrible. However, they will not do anything about it as they do not like change. They don’t know for sure if another facility will be better suited. I recommend taking the leap of faith and trying another facility with the best trainers going around. This gym should be offering outings, client spotlight posts, and informational seminars for the members and public among other valuable services.

I suggest finding one of these gyms that has these features that have its goals aligned with yours and one that has the best possible added services (personal trainers for example) and seeing if they give you the right care and quality gym that you are paying for.

Try this out and you’ll see the smaller gym has something the bigger ones can’t compete with.

Good Luck!