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What does a DEXA Scan show?

Advancements in technology have enabled us to delve deeper into understanding our bodies. The DEXA scan is a cutting-edge imaging technique that provides detailed bone density and body composition data. In this blog post, we will explore what valuable insights individuals can gain from the results.


What is a DEXA Scan?

DEXA, short for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, is a non-invasive imaging technique that employs low-dose X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD), lean body mass, and fat mass with exceptional precision. At XGYM we use the Horizon® DXA System by Hologic. It is the latest in densitometry technology.

DEXA Scan Castle Hill

What does a DEXA Scan measure?

DEXA scan provides detailed body composition data by distinguishing between different tissue types in specific regions of the body.

DEXA Scan Castle Hill

What is Body Composition?

Body composition is a measurement of the amount of body fat and lean tissue in your body.

Body weight scales can tell you your total body mass but cannot tell you how much of your mass is fat, bone mineral content or lean tissue.

What will a DEXA Scan show you?


Bone Mineral Density (BMD):

DEXA scans are primarily known for assessing bone health by measuring BMD. The density of bones is crucial for understanding the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

DEXA Scan Castle Hill

Lean Tissue Mass:

DEXA scans quantify the amount of lean tissue, which includes muscles, organs, skin, and other non-fat components. This information is valuable for assessing muscle mass and overall body strength.


Fat Mass:

The scan provides data on the amount of fat tissue in the body. This information helps in understanding body fat distribution and is important for assessing overall health and fitness.

DEXA Scan Castle Hill

Visceral Fat:

DEXA scans can differentiate between subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and visceral fat (around internal organs). Visceral fat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

DEXA Scan Castle Hill

Total Body Fat Percentage:

DEXA scans calculate the overall percentage of body fat relative to total body weight. This metric is used to assess body composition and can be a more accurate measure than BMI (Body Mass Index).


Appendicular Lean Mass:

This refers to the lean tissue mass in the arms and legs. Changes in appendicular lean mass can indicate changes in muscle mass and strength.


Ratio of Fat to Lean Tissue:

DEXA provides a ratio of fat to lean tissue, giving a comprehensive view of body composition. This information is crucial for assessing the balance between muscle and fat in the body.


Total Body Mass:

DEXA scans also measure total body mass, providing an overall picture of the individual’s weight. This is useful when assessing changes in body composition over time.


Regional Analysis:

DEXA scans can break down body composition data regionally, providing specific information about the arms, legs, trunk, and other areas. This regional analysis is valuable for targeted interventions in fitness and rehabilitation programs.


The ability of DEXA scans to provide precise and detailed body composition data makes them a valuable tool in various fields, including medicine, sports science, and fitness. This information can be used to tailor nutrition and exercise plans, monitor changes in response to interventions, and assess overall health and fitness levels.


Book your DEXA Scan today at xgym.com.au/dexa-scan