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Transitioning from Novice to Federation Powerlifting Competitions

Competing in novice powerlifting competitions is a great way for lifters to build confidence and gain experience with competing. However, the real challenge often lies in federation-level competitions, where the stakes are higher, and the competition is usually more fierce. Keep reading if you’re a novice lifter wondering when to register for official federation competitions. We’ll explore the signs that you’re ready to move up and how to transition smoothly.


1. Understanding Federation-Level Competitions

Federation competitions are more regulated and structured than most novice meets. They adhere strictly to international standards for lifts. The referees are stricter on calls and commands, and there are equipment regulations, which means there is a list of approved apparel and equipment that can only be used- here is the link to the approved list from the IPF. And depending on the federation, there is also drug testing.


Familiarise yourself with these rules and the atmosphere of federation meets by attending events or watching competitions online. It’s always a good idea to spectate a competition before you compete, so you can get an idea of what it is like.


2. Mastery of Lifts at Novice Competitions

If you’ve consistently placed well in novice competitions or find that you’re no longer challenged by the competition, it might be time to consider stepping up. Success at the novice level is a good indicator that you could be ready to face tougher competitors and more rigorous standards.


3. Meeting Qualification Standards

Most federations have qualification standards based on your lifts. Review these standards and compare them with your personal bests. If your current lift totals meet or exceed the minimum requirements for federation meets in your weight class and age category, it’s a strong sign you’re ready to compete at a higher level.


4. Consistency in Training and Performance

Before moving to federation-level competitions, ensure your training is consistent and that your performance improvements are steady. This consistency is crucial for handling the more intense environment of federation meets.


5. Coach’s Recommendation

A coach who is familiar with novice and federation competitions can provide valuable insight into whether you’re ready for the step up. Their recommendation can be one of the most significant endorsements for moving forward. If you want to chat with one of our coaches about competing in a federation competition, book a chat by enquiring on our Coaching page. Our coaches will answer all your questions and concerns and create a game plan for you.


6. Psychological Readiness

The mental aspect of competing at a higher level is as important as the physical. Are you mentally prepared to compete against more seasoned athletes, possibly at larger venues and under stricter scrutiny? Your mental readiness to handle these pressures is essential. But also keep in mind that your confidence and readiness will build over time as you become more experienced. The more competitions you do, the easier it will be, mentally.


7. Logistical Considerations

Consider the logistics, such as membership requirements, entry fees, travel, and time commitments of federation competitions. Ensure you are able to manage these commitments alongside your training.


Transitioning from novice to federation-level competitions is a significant step for any powerlifter. It involves not only meeting physical and technical standards but also being prepared for the mental and logistical aspects of higher-level competition. When you find that you’re consistently performing well at the novice level, meeting federation standards, and feeling confident and excited about the challenge, it might just be the right time to register for your first federation meet.


Ready to take your powerlifting journey to the next level? Our coaches have experience competing in novice and federation-level competitions and are available to help you create a game plan around your competition goals. Send us a DM on Instagram to book a chat with one of our coaches.