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Stop Skipping Your Accessory Exercises

When we think about working out, our minds often jump to the primary, heavy-hitting exercises like squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. While these are undoubtedly crucial for building strength and muscle, there’s another key component of a well-rounded fitness routine that often goes unnoticed: accessory exercises. In this post, we’ll delve into why these exercises are indispensable for anyone looking to optimise their fitness gains.


The Importance of Accessory Exercises

Accessory exercises are movements that complement your primary lifts. They are not the showstoppers of your workout but play a supporting role that is equally vital. Here’s why they are important:


Targeting Underworked Muscles

While compound lifts engage multiple muscle groups, they can sometimes overlook smaller, stabilizing muscles. Accessory exercises allow you to isolate and strengthen these muscles, contributing to overall balance and muscle symmetry.

Improving Muscle Endurance and Strength

These exercises usually involve lighter weights and higher repetitions. This approach enhances muscle endurance and can also lead to improved strength, especially in areas that are not the primary focus of your main lifts.


Enhancing Mobility and Flexibility

Many accessory exercises require a greater range of motion compared to primary lifts, helping to improve your overall mobility and flexibility.


Reducing the Risk of Injury

By strengthening smaller muscle groups and improving balance and coordination, accessory exercises can play a significant role in injury prevention.


Breaking Through Plateaus

If you find your progress stalling, incorporating different accessory exercises can provide new challenges to your muscles, reigniting muscle growth and strength gains.


Examples of Effective Accessory Exercises

For Lower Body

   – Romanian Deadlifts: Great for targeting the hamstrings and glutes.

   – Bulgarian Split Squats: These enhance stability and focus on each leg individually, promoting muscle balance.


For Upper Body

   – Tricep Pushdowns: Excellent for isolating and building tricep strength.

   – Face Pulls: Ideal for improving shoulder health and strengthening the rear deltoids.


For Core Stability

   – Planks: A fundamental exercise for core strengthening.

   – Russian Twists: Effective for oblique muscles, enhancing rotational strength.


Incorporating a variety of accessory exercises into your routine is crucial for a balanced and effective training program. They not only complement your primary movements but also address the smaller details that make a big difference in overall fitness and health. So next time you plan your training session, remember to give these unsung heroes the attention they deserve – your body will thank you for it!


If you need help lifting with the correct technique and progressing in your training, book a chat with us today by filling out our Coaching Enquiry Form. Our coaches are here to help you come up with a game plan to achieve your goals and even assess your lifts in a complimentary session.