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Our 12 Week DEXA Challenge Winner

At XGYM, we’re thrilled to announce Francis as the winner of our 12 Week DEXA Body Composition Challenge! His dedication and commitment to transforming his body have truly paid off. Over 12 weeks, under the guidance of Coach Daniel and our Results Guaranteed plan, Francis achieved remarkable results:

Transformation Highlights:

– Body Weight Lost: 14.2 kg

– Body Fat Reduced: 4.5%

– Fat Mass Lost: 8.2 kg

Francis’s journey exemplifies the power of discipline and consistency in achieving fitness goals. His hard work not only transformed his physique but also earned him the well-deserved grand prize of $2,000! πŸ’ΈπŸ’°


How We Selected the Winner

The winner was chosen based on the most significant improvement in body composition, specifically a combination of:

– Percentage (%) of muscle tissue gained

– Percentage (%) of fat lost.


The assessments were made using data from the initial and final DEXA scans to ensure accuracy and fairness.


Well done to Adrian, our second-place winner, whose impressive results were incredibly close to Francis’s achievement. The competition was extremely close, with a mere 0.04% difference between first and second place!


Well done to all the participants who took part in the challenge. We’re proud of all of your results and progress! πŸ’›


Join Us in Your Transformation Journey!

Ready to embark on your own transformation? Don’t miss out on our next DEXA Challenge! Click here to register your interest and take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals with XGYM.

Stay up to date with future Challenges by following us on Instagram.